WHY is CHABA massage (massage with CHABA) becoming more popular?

As a massage therapist I believe I understand why CHABA massage is becoming a trend, BUT I feel the best people to ask are my clients.  So I’ve asked them and below are some of the reasons why they come back to me for CHABA massage.  If you can relate to any of this, you may want to look a little deeper into the benefits of massage with CHABA.  My clients prefer and swear by them.



Seems like more and more people suffer from tension headaches and migraines. I feel regular tension headaches are occurring more because life is stressful and we forget we need an outlet and hold our tension in our muscles. I’ve noticed a HUGE difference with my headache/migraine clients once I started using CHABA with my massages. The terpenoids (the compound that makes it smell) of these CHABA with massage has shown a significant decrease in headache and migraine frequency, but better yet, it’s been shown to be a highly effective solution for migraine relief. It will help with the dull auditory/light sensitivity and nausea symptoms that are common.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)/Depression:

Not all PTSD clients are veterans, but the majority of mine are. They tell me massage is great, but massage with CHABA emphasizes the therapeutic benefit. It helps decrease their insomnia, increases restful sleep, decreases their blood pressure, decreases their stress level, decreases mood swings, and decreases their anxiety, which calms the nerves and helps with relaxation, and helps with depression.

Chronic (long lasting) pain/acute (short term) pain:

My clients have a variety of reasons why they are in pain. The analgesic properties of cannabis/hempseed oil enhances the massage and have helped my clients with tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, joint pain, neck/back pain, soft tissue damage, muscle spasms, neuropathy, spinal conditions, MS, IBS, and female clients with menstrual pain. CHABA may not take all the pain away, but will make the quality of life better and more manageable.

Athletes, hobbyist athletes, routine gym goers, weekend warriors etc:

I have athletes of all degrees that range from your weekend warrior type, to your daily gym goer, to an average kid competing in some sort of competition, to an elite professional athlete. Even a person who “just walks” is utilizing their muscles. CHABA and massage with CHABA have helped alleviate pain from micro-tears in muscles, decrease inflammation. They have antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties to help prevent athlete’s foot, and is skin soothing for chafing or blisters. My athletes find CHABA easy to use, fast acting, and long lasting without the repulsive or pungent smell of similar non-CHABA ointments/creams.

Skin conditions/irritations and/or inflammation anywhere on the body:

There are so many different skin conditions and reasons for the body to have inflammation. Inflammation is like the body putting bubble wrap around a part of the body that’s “not right” or ”hurt”. Once inflammation goes away, the body can than start healing itself. My clients have said CHABA have helped with their rashes, psoriasis, pruritus (itchy skin), tattoo prep/after care, lupus rash, auto-immune diseases, Crohn’s disease (a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the digestive tract), joint swelling from old injuries, colitis, multiple scoliosis (MS), arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis, glaucoma (inflammation & pressure of the eye), sprains/strains, burns up to the 2nd degree, rosacea, dermatitis, fever blisters, cold sores, fungus, furuncles (hair follicle infection), dry/cracked skin, bug bites, stretch marks, hemorrhoids and skin cancer. It has also helped in minimizing scars and is beneficial to use for after surgery care.


I have lost a handful of clients to cancer. Those who passed and those who went into remission have told me that their quality of life was generally better using CHABA, especially during radiation/chemotherapy. CHABA helped with pain relief, help reduce nausea/vomiting while increasing appetite and decreasing inflammation overall, which makes healing time faster. Topicals, by themselves, won’t cure cancer, but it has been proven that cannabis has killed cancer cells and it does help with restless leg syndrome, and helps stimulate hair growth.

Emotional/anger issues, epilepsy, brain injury, Tourette’s syndrome, or just people “in their head” too much:

My clients have stated that CHABA with massage has helped with their ADD/ADHD – helps them focus, helped with depression, helped calmed down Tourette’s syndrome symptoms, helped with their bi-polar disorder, helped calm nerves down and stay as relaxed as possible, helped decrease the amount of seizures they are having or take them completely away, helped with their bodies pain/ailments, better than the prescribed pharmaceutical drugs given to them by their doctors, helped people who “are in their heads too much” or are so busy they “can’t shut their brain down”. I’ve seen with my own eyes that CHABA and massage help people who have distorted perceptions of body weight and clients with eating disorders. It helps break the mental cycle and helps encourage a better body image with increased social skills and increased motor skills.