My Pit Bull is Family is a 501c-3 non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a mission to keep families and their canine companions together through ending housing and insurance discrimination. My Pit Bull is Family manages the nation’s largest database of dog inclusive rentals along with a robust Community Partner database – through these two programs we are able to provide services to families in need and keep pets at home.
Our team focuses on having conversations with property management companies, conducting pet policy research studies, building relationships in the community and providing resources to keep families together.
Minneapolis, MN
The Stand Up For Pits Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to saving lives and ending the abuse and discrimination of Pit Bull “type” dogs (Pibbles) through live events, funds, education and advocacy. We don’t limit the way we advocate or save lives. We believe in new ways, new thinking and new change, and are committed to empowering others to do the same until abuse and discrimination against our beautiful Pit Bull type dogs ends.
The Stand Up For Pits Foundation supports Pit Bull “type” dog rescues around the country by raising funds, providing publicity opportunities and Pibble adoptions at the Stand Up For Pits live events (to read just some of the Foundation success stories go to
The Foundation donates to and supports educational programs and front line rescue efforts. We advocate, educate and save lives and we will continue to focus our efforts to end dog fighting, abuse and discrimination.
To learn more about the live events produced by the Foundation go to and
100% of funds raised go directly to front line rescue efforts, initiatives and all SFUP Foundation related expenses. We are very pleased with the growth and support of the Foundation from people in and outside of the animal community. We are proud of the impact we’ve had and change we have created and inspired in such a short period of time. That shows us people want to take action and that behavior we strongly encourage because if we are to ever get law makers to end BSL, and get off the giant hamster wheel that is rescue, we must ALL do what we can. We are a solution driven Foundation open to new ways of doing things. We understand this is a long journey and we are dedicated to ending the abuse and discrimination of Pit Bull “type” dogs and by doing so improving the safety of communities for humans and pets.
We believe what is happening to Pit Bull “type” dogs is not just an animal issue but very much a direct reflection of a broken society thus making it EVERYONE’s problem. While we are members of the animal welfare community but we also are members of society and have a responsibility to not ignore or tolerate hate and discrimination towards any living being.
“Abuse and discrimination is wrong. Whether the abused and discriminated has two legs or four, it is wrong.” – Rebecca Corry