
2hr Minimum

Massage is beneficial to all athletes. Your massage therapist will customize your massage by sport.  Each sport utilizes different movements and different muscles. A massage table is set up for pre and post sports events.  The set up for pre-sport events are to invigorate the muscles, to awaken them and help the athlete perform at peak performance.  Sessions are short and fast.  The set up for post-sports events are to release muscle tension and give some relief to overworked muscles.  If you had two friends who ran an ultra-marathon (i.e 50+ miles) and one had a post event massage and the other didn’t, guaranteed the runner who had the massage would feel great the next day, maybe sore, versus the other runner who would probably be in pain and stiff.

Massage can be done at all kinds of non-sport events such as High School All Night Grad Parties, Ladies nights, spa parties, teacher appreciation days, customer appreciation days, heath fairs, and all kind of charities.  A massage chair or massage table can be used.    Inquire within and have massage at your next gathering!